5 Facts You Would Like to Understand Regarding Dental Implants | Your Classic Smile

There are several patients in our community living with missing teeth. This can be a controversy that may have an effect on you each physically and showing emotion. Folks with missing teeth cannot smile confidently, and infrequently struggle to eat. For all of those issues, there’s an answer for all of those problems: Dental Implants.

Dr. Lena as South loop cosmetic dentist in Chicago is specialty-trained within the full vary of dentistry choices and has helped produce a number of the foremost recognizable smiles within the world.

Maybe you’ve heard concerning dental implants before. They changing into a lot of commonplace in dentistry and regarded by most dentists to be the gold customary for replacing missing teeth. These days we wish to share 5 facts concerning dental implants you would like to know. You’ll see however these dental implants work and who they will facilitate.

Dental implants are nearly as strong as natural teeth

There is only 1 replacement tooth choice that just about matches the strength of natural teeth. It’s dental implants. Once placed into the bone, the implants heal round the bone, creating it virtually a part of your body. Thereupon anchor; we are able to restore your implants with crowns, bridges, or dentures. It’s as if we placed a new tooth root. By comparison, removable dentures solely give between twenty five and fifty p.c of the facility of your natural teeth.

Dental implant surgery is predictable!

Anytime you hear the word surgery, you would possibly think about one thing very difficult. The reality is that dental implant surgery is very certain and palm. Dental implants are placed with success concerning ninety eight p.c of the time. That’s an amazing success rate for any procedure.

Dental implants don’t get cavities

The biggest issue with natural teeth is that they will fail. Our teeth will fail thanks to wear and tear, gum un-wellness, or cavities. Cavities weaken a tooth and want to be stuffed to confirm that the decay doesn’t unfold. It’s a continuing concern. As results of the implants are made of metallic element, they are doing not get cavities.

Dental implants will improve your health

Missing teeth are ugliness. While not teeth, you can’t maintain a healthy diet. Dental implants can enable you to eat and digest food very similar to you’d with natural teeth.

Dental Implants Preserve the Jawbone

When the teeth are lost, the jawbone can recede. Because the jawbone changes form, therefore will the form of your mouth. Jawbone changes will cause the plate to shift around within the mouth. Dental implants merge with the bone and preserve the bone.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Getting dental implants will restore your change of state ability and your immature smile. We’ll walk you thru the whole method throughout your initial visit. Give us a call today at 312-922-3411 to schedule your initial visit. Our Smile Dentist in Chicago would like to work with you toward a better, brighter smile at “Smarts Smiles Dental”.

7 Questions Patients Ask About Crowns

Teeth can be discolored, cracked or weakened by decay overtime. There are dissimilar ways to address these problems and one of the most familiar solutions is to get a crown.

A crown appointment may sound disconcerting for some, but it is in actuality a very common procedure our Southloop cosmetic dentist as Dr. Lena Casimir’s do on a daily basis.

Here are answers to the 7 most general questions patients ask us about crowns.

  1. Do I really need a crown?

There are any motives why dentists recommend a crown. It can be used to fix worn or heavily discolored teeth, to defend teeth that have become highly prone to cracking or splitting through the roots and to restore teeth that are already broken.

  1. Will my crown look natural?

Absolutely! You don’t have to worry because even if you just require one or two crowns, they will be made to match the color of your natural teeth.

  1. How many appointments does it take?

Crowns typically need two sessions. The first session is when the  Southloop dentist prepares the teeth, takes impressions and places a temporary crown. The second one is a “fitting” appointment where the actual crown is cemented.

  1. Does a crown procedure hurt?

The treatment is pain-free, but each patient is different. Some feel no worry at all, while others may know-how occasional sensitivity to hot and cold. It’s always best to talk to your dentist about your concerns.

  1. What are the types of materials used to make crowns?

Crowns are made from dissimilar materials including ceramic, porcelain and gold alloys. Your Smile dentist in Chicago will recommend the material that suits you best.

  1. How long will it last?

With proper care, crowns can last natural life. However, we do notice patients with broken or loose crowns. General reasons are decay on the underlying natural tooth, damage due to heavy grinding or clenching and deterioration of the cement.

To make your crown final, brush at least two times a day with a fluoride toothpaste and floss daily.

  1. Can a crowned tooth get cavity?

Crowns do not decay, other than the underlying tooth can. Without proper oral hygiene, a new cavity (decay) may form. When this happens, your crown will no longer well and may fall off.

If you have more questions regarding oral health then you can get information here. Speak to us at 312-922-3411 and get the solutions. Starts share your Classic smile with the world.

How to Obtain Clear of Tooth Sensitivity?

Remember waiting for Ice cream hawker and singing Ice cream song with friends? I think it was one of the best moments we all have spent during childhood. But at this point of time singing that Ice cream song won’t be justice for those five million American people who are struggling every day with sensitivity.

Some are sensitive to cold and some too hot. This reminds me of a number of toothpaste advertisements for having salt in their toothpaste.

In order to treat your dental problems, visit your dentist at the earliest. In the meantime, here is some information.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can come and go with the time and it is caused by exposure of dentin on the root areas from gum syndromes. The root area is not protected by enamel like the crowns of your tooth. It is usually covered by cementum. When the cementum took away the nerves within the tooth are exposed leads to tooth sensitivity. Common causes of erosion are:

  • An acidic diet
  • Excessive teeth whitening
  • Overzealous teeth brushing
  • Dry mouth
  • Regular teeth grinding
  • Bulimia
  • Making use of abrasive toothpaste

But, here is the good news! The sensitive tooth can be treated. Know how?

You just have to talk to your dentist about the tooth sensitivity to cold or hot, sweets, acidic drinks or foods. Decaying of the tooth has to be treated out.

Southloop Dentist would recommend you an ADA approved desensitizing toothpaste or fluoride gel toothpaste which you can use at your home. In case of the more sensitive tooth, a filling, a gum graft or a root canal may be required.

Cosmetic dentist in Southloop treats her patients so kindly. She uses painless techniques and pieces of equipment for her patients. You can get in touch with her through her official website. She would definitely heal your tooth sensitivity issues.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Treatments and Trends

Cosmetic Trends –

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past. Additionally, cosmetic dentist in South Loop is now using more conservative techniques to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, depending upon your exact clinical situation.

Cosmetic dentist in South Loop Chicago may also use such technologies as lasers in order to perform some procedures necessary for cosmetic treatments in their own offices – without the need for referrals to specialists. This makes procedures such as smile makeovers more easy and convenient for patients, as well as helps to reduce recovery time.

Treatment Options –

Smile Dental Chicago treatments currently in use include:

Composite Bonding: Chipped, broken, discolored or decayed teeth may be repaired or have their look corrected using a procedure called composite bonding. A dental composite material with the look of enamel and dentin is applied into the cavity or onto the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured and toughened with a high-intensity light. The result is a restoration that blends invisibly with the remains of the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright, smart smile.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening are perhaps the most commonly optional cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth are often stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or red wine) or poor oral sanitation.

Dental Veneers: Composite or porcelain laminates that are adhesively bonded to the surface of a tooth to proper and repair chips and cracks will improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic dentistry in order to compensate for tooth loss. Often the result is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more youthful exterior, since missing teeth cause the face to collapse, making you look older.

Smile Makeover: Smile makeovers involve a comprehensive assessment of your smile aesthetics in order to get better its overall appearance. Naturally one or more cosmetic procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants and teeth whitening, will be necessary for several teeth in both the upper and lower arches in order to achieve the look you want.

Full mouth reconstruction: While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, your smile dentist in Chicago may discover that there is a need to provide required treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, and teeth and bone structure.

Classic Smiles LLC is Chicago’s first choice for teeth whitening, invisalign and other cosmetic dentistry services. Request an appointment today.

Dental Care Guidelines for Seniors

The teeth are not protected to the aging process. The aging process can depart the teeth weakened, worn, and damaged, making proper dental care essential for seniors. Seniors can enjoy good oral health and protector the beauty and function of their teeth by seeking dental treatment and practicing good oral hygiene habits at home.

The Importance of Dental Care for Seniors

The teeth age beside with the rest of the body, putting seniors at increased risk of dental damage. Seniors may also understanding dental problems as a result of long-term dental neglect.

Dental Care Tips for Seniors

Proper dental care can facilitate prevent many oral health problems that are common among seniors, like gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. Practice these dental care guidelines to keep your classic smile at its best for years to come.

Brush and floss: Brushing and flossing commonly greatly reduces the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. The teeth should be brushed at least two times a day and flossed once a day. When brushing, it’s vital to brush for a full two minutes and cover all surfaces of the teeth, paying particular attention to hard to reach back teeth and gum line. When flossing, clean the floss up and down each side of each tooth and as far along the gum line as possible to ensure a thorough clean.

Use an antiseptic mouthwash: Rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing and flossing helps further reduce the risk of gum disease by eliminating bacteria left behind by brushing and flossing alone.

Schedule regular checkups and seek treatment early: Usual dental checkups and cleanings are essential for protecting oral health and preventing serious dental problems. Seeking treatment at the primary indications of an oral health issue, such as increased tooth sensitivity, pain, or bleeding gums, is another good way to prevent serious spoil and protect the smile.

Patients that wear dentures still need to practice dental care: Seniors who wear full dentures or partial dentures need to keep on practicing good oral hygiene habits. The gums, and any remaining teeth, should be brushed commonly to prevent gum infections, like oral thrush. Dentures should also be cleaned on a daily basis using a denture cleaner, not toothpaste, to reduce bacteria in the mouth along with bad breath.

Smarts Smiles Dental provides a full range of dental treatments, including cosmetic, preventative and restorative dental services in South Loop, Chicago. Dr. Lena Casimir as Cosmetic dentist in South Loop specialize in smile enhancing services like veneers, implants, whitening.  Our Cosmetic dentistry in South loop can restore your smart smile. Just make a call us on 312-922-3411 or book an appointment today.

The Ultimate Guide to Prevent Dry Mouth While Sleeping

Like most of people, do you also suffer from dry mouth? It would be safe to say that millions of people suffer from dry mouth at a point of time. If you are among them, you must know night time is the worst, waking up dry and thirsty, without relief could be rough and irritating. Not only annoying, but it is painful also. If untreated, it leads to tooth damage and gum diseases.

Causes and Symptoms of dry mouth

The first and most essential thing you should understand is the causes and symptoms of dry mouth. Saliva is an important part of our digestive system that helps in breaking down the food particles and rinsing bacteria in the mouth. Lack of saliva leads to dry mouth. It also causes difficulty in the tasting, chewing and swallowing. Without saliva, bacteria would stick to teeth and can cause tooth damage.

How to prevent dry mouth while sleeping?

As per cosmetic dentist in South Loop, here is the list of things you should strictly follow in order to prevent dry mouth.

  • Stay hydrated, drink four bottles of water each day.
  • Chew sugarless chewing gum, candies or mints throughout the day, it increases the formation of saliva.
  • Brush your teeth every day using fluoride toothpaste.
  • Use mouthwashes that are specially +made for dry mouth.
  • Try to avoid acidic foods, they can make it worse.
  • Limit your alcohol and coffee ingestion.
  • Try to quit smoking.
  • Talk to your dentist about dry mouth snoring.
  • It has been advised by smile dental, Chicago to keep good oral hygiene habits in order to reduce dry mouth problems.
  • Keep good oral hygiene habits in order to reduce dry mouth problems.
  • At night, have a glass of water beside your bed.
  • Ask for some medications from your doctor.

You can get your dry mouth treated by visiting Dr. Lena J. Casmir, She is one of the best dentists in South Loop, Chicago. You can speak to her and plan an appointment with her. She will guide you perfectly for your dry mouth issues and give you proper treatment and medications.

Do You Feel Embarrassed To Smile?

Everyone wants a smile that they can be proud to show off. Your classic smile is the first thing people see and it’s usually a major factor in making that first impression on those you meet.

Having damaged teeth can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety. People often feel the need to hide their smiles when missing teeth, stains, or crooked teeth are apparent.

Unfortunately, people who are severely self-conscious of their smiles often avoid smiling altogether as they are embarrassed or self-conscious about their teeth. One of the biggest detriments to your confidence is a terrible smile with bad teeth.

The good news is that it is amazing you can change. Many people don’t consider the possibilities of having a great smart smile, but there is no denying that it has a huge impact on a person’s overall appearance and thus, their confidence.

Best Dentist in South Loop Chicago understands this and strives to provide patients with the most beautiful smiles they have ever had.

Beautiful smile with healthy set of teeth not only makes life more enjoyable, but can lead to better health, well-being, and longevity.

Having a beautiful smile is not only linked to your self-confidence, but can also increase your pleasure in life. People who have their best smile are more confident, less anxious, and enjoy life more.

As hard as it is to believe, your smile, or lack of smiling, can play a big role in your well-being by affecting your health, personal and specialized relations and opportunities. When you have a gorgeous smile, you can speak and laugh without holding back and enjoy the increased pleasure that comes with it.

Your teeth can have a major effect on your life. Having a bright and healthy smile can have a optimistic effect on all aspects of your life.

Smile Dentist in Chicago is dedicated in improving the lives of each patient by helping them achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. With incredible advances in cosmetic dentistry in South Loop, there are more ways than ever before to improve your smile.

So, if you are hiding your teeth or avoiding smiling in photos because you are awkward about your smile, changing your smile can drastically change your self-confidence.

Talk to your dentist about how cosmetic action could likely help to improve your confidence in your smile! From brightening teeth affected by staining, to correcting inconsistencies in the shape or size of teeth, there are many ways Classic Smiles LLC can actually help to hide from view any noticeable flaws, all while enhancing your smile’s natural beauty.

If you are tired of your imperfect smile contact Dr. Lena Casimir on 312-922-3411 to schedule an Appointment. She will be able to offer suitable suggestions that can improve your smile. It will not take long for your confidence and beaming smile to return.

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