The Science Behind Your Classic Smile

It is a well-known fact that smiles activate our brain’s mechanisms in such a way that nothing could match it, not even chocolate. Cosmetic dentist in southloop Chicago gives an example as when you see your friend after a long time, you actually feel happy. This is because, at that time, neuronal signals travel from the cortex (of the brain) to the brainstem.

Then, the signal is further carried by the cranial muscle to the smiling muscles of your face.

The process sounds so simple, but actually, it’s just the starting point. When the smiling muscles of your face contract, a positive feedback loop goes back to the brain, giving the feeling of joy. Southloop dentist says that smiling gives the same confidence and happiness that we have while exercising.

How to differentiate between a fake and a real smile? There are 2 muscles that get activate while we smile.

  • zygomaticus major

It has control over the corner of the mouth. When this muscle gets activated, it gives a fake smile which is called a social smile.

  • Obicularis occuli

It depicts sincerity and it encircles our eye socket. This is the true smile which is also called a duchenne smile.

Through the feedback loop, smiling can change our brain that records your smiles. Your classic smile also helps to reduce the stress and anxiety just like a good amount of sleep by decreasing stress-induced hormones that affect your physical and mental health negatively. It also assists in generating positive feelings within you.

Southloop dentist’s guide for a better smile:


  • Mirror practice of smile

We often do mirror practice when we are not sure about our looks or to practice anything. Similarly, it is also a great way to practice smiling. Keep on trying to activate your mouth corners and your eye sockets. When you will start feeling happy and relaxed about your smile, you will get to know your genuine smile.

  • Feel comfortable while smiling

In order to build a bright smile on your face, firstly you must be comfortable with yourself while you smile. If you are not in comfort with yourself, then how would you smile with other people confidently, however, if facing any dental issues then try to contact southloop cosmetic dentist in Chicago where you will get the best dental treatment for any of your problem.

Until you are not confident enough about your smile, you can never express your joy with others.