What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants as we know them today were invented in 1952 by a Swedish orthopedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Dental implants Chicago can be used to swap a single tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth.

Dental implants758

There are several benefits to dental implants, including:

Improved appearance. Dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. as a result of their designed to fuse with bone, they become permanent.

Improved speech. With poor-fitting dentures, the teeth will slip among your mouth, causing you to mumble or slur your words. Dental implants enable you to talk while not the worry that tooth would possibly slip.

Improved comfort. because they become a part of you, implants eliminate the discomfort of removable dentures.

Easier eating. Slippery dentures will build chewing tough. Dental implants perform like your own teeth, permitting you to eat your favorite foods with confidence and while not pain.

Improved self-esteem. Dental implants can provide you with back your smile and help you feel higher concerning yourself.

Improved oral health. Dental implants do not need reducing alternative teeth, as a tooth-supported bridge will. As a result of close teeth isn’t altered to support the implant, more of your own teeth are left intact, rising long-term oral health. Individual implants additionally enable easier access between teeth, rising oral hygiene.

Durability. Implants are very durable and can last a few years. With excellent care, several implants last a time period.

Convenience. Removable dentures are simply that; removable. Dental implants eliminate the embarrassing inconvenience of removing dentures, furthermore because they would like for messy adhesives to stay them in place.

At Dentist office Chicago; Dr. Lena Casimir is your South loop dentist, committed to making sure your dental experience is comfortable, personalized & reasonably priced.

Cosmetic Dentistry: Treatments and Trends

Cosmetic Trends –

Technological advancements in natural-looking, tooth-colored dental materials make today’s cosmetic dental treatments more durable and predictable than in years past. Additionally, cosmetic dentist in South Loop is now using more conservative techniques to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, depending upon your exact clinical situation.

Cosmetic dentist in South Loop Chicago may also use such technologies as lasers in order to perform some procedures necessary for cosmetic treatments in their own offices – without the need for referrals to specialists. This makes procedures such as smile makeovers more easy and convenient for patients, as well as helps to reduce recovery time.

Treatment Options –

Smile Dental Chicago treatments currently in use include:

Composite Bonding: Chipped, broken, discolored or decayed teeth may be repaired or have their look corrected using a procedure called composite bonding. A dental composite material with the look of enamel and dentin is applied into the cavity or onto the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured and toughened with a high-intensity light. The result is a restoration that blends invisibly with the remains of the surrounding tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright, smart smile.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening are perhaps the most commonly optional cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth are often stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or red wine) or poor oral sanitation.

Dental Veneers: Composite or porcelain laminates that are adhesively bonded to the surface of a tooth to proper and repair chips and cracks will improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration.

Dental Implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic dentistry in order to compensate for tooth loss. Often the result is not only an enhanced smile, but also a more youthful exterior, since missing teeth cause the face to collapse, making you look older.

Smile Makeover: Smile makeovers involve a comprehensive assessment of your smile aesthetics in order to get better its overall appearance. Naturally one or more cosmetic procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants and teeth whitening, will be necessary for several teeth in both the upper and lower arches in order to achieve the look you want.

Full mouth reconstruction: While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile, your smile dentist in Chicago may discover that there is a need to provide required treatment to correct functional problems with your bite, muscles, and teeth and bone structure.

Classic Smiles LLC is Chicago’s first choice for teeth whitening, invisalign and other cosmetic dentistry services. Request an appointment today.