Best Cosmetic Dentist in South Loop Chicago | Classic Smiles LLC

Cosmetic dentistry in South Loop offered by the best cosmetic dentist in South Loop Chicago is a wide variety of dental services, created to improve your smile. From subtle changes to significant repairs, your best cosmetic dentist in South Loop could perform a selection of treatments to enhance your smile. There are many strategies and options to treat teeth that are discolored, nicked, misshapen or missing out on. Your dentist could remake your teeth, close spaces, bring back used or short teeth or alter the length of your teeth. Usual treatments that superlative cosmetic dentist in Chicago services consist of are bleaching, bonding, crowns, veneers and enhancing the shape of and contouring.

These improvements are not continuously simply cosmetic. Numerous of these treatments provided by the best dentist in Chicago could get better dental issues, such as your bite.

Everybody wants and deserves to take pleasure in healthy teeth and a gorgeous smile. Unfortunately, a lot of individuals are born with certain dental concerns that usually avoid them from being fully unwinded when it pertains to smiling. In some cases these conditions are not simply esthetic and visual in nature but cause pain for the person.

Luckily, with today’s medical progression, it is possible to deal with practically any dental problem fairly quickly and quickly. It is necessary, nevertheless, to choose the right expert for that and if you’re in Chicago IL- the very best cosmetic dentist in Chicago.

Naturally, you need to know which treatment is right for you.

Your cosmetic dentist in Chicago could answer any questions you could have about techniques used to improve your smile. The condition of your teeth and preferred result you want typically dictates the very best procedure. If you are thinking about a treatment, there are a few questions you can ask your cosmetic dentist workplace before choosing if a particular procedure is right for you.

Your best dentist in South loop Chicago could answer the concerns you have about the techniques utilized to enhance your smile. The condition of your teeth and your desired outcome frequently indicate the best treatment for you. To get more information make a call us at 312-922-3411 and schedule an appointment.

Every Parent Should Read This: Kids Losing Teeth

Being a parent, we see our child growing is both exciting and knowledgeable. As a first-time parent, we learn new things intentionally or by experience. And we find out that all children are different from each other when the second (maybe third or fourth) child arrives. We learn something new every time.

And same is with baby teething and teeth losing. Here are the important things you should strictly go through for the useful and necessary information related to baby teeth.

When should a child start losing teeth?

Baby teeth usually start losing as the permanent or adult teeth are pushing them to come in. It has been noticed that teeth lose in the order they grew, most commonly front teeth and then canines and then molars.

Primary teeth or generally known as baby teeth starts wiggling at the age of four. You will see kids losing their teeth between the age of 5-12. Girls mostly lose their teeth before boys do.

Smile dentist in Chicago states that, if you child didn’t lose any teeth till the age of 8, I would recommend you to visit your dentist at the earliest to make sure there is no problem.

Should your child be allowed to pull a teeth?

The best method would be the natural way of losing teeth in order to prevent trauma to the gums around the tooth, which can be sore. You child would like to play with the teeth with fingers and tongue that is fully natural.

As per the south loop dentist in Chicago, it is really important to talk to your child related to teeth losing to let know and be prepared especially when they are in school. Note these points:

  • Losing teeth are 100% normal and the wiggly tooth will fall out.
  • Don’t worry about swallowing it, you are going to feel it sometimes.
  • Should go to school nurse if the teeth come out.
  • There would be little blood, use a tissue to blot it.
  • Keep your tooth in tissue until you reach your home.

You can read some books related to tooth losing to make this conversation more playful.

Besides to that, get in touch with Smile Dental Chicago for detailed information about teeth losing. She will guide you in the better way possible.

Finding a Family Southloop Dentist Whom You and Your Kids Love

Visiting a family South loop dentist in Chicago has numerous advantages. You can save time because you’re not running all over township to visit different practices; you only have to maintain track of one office’s payment policies; and your cosmetic dentist can look for any inborn issues that might affect your oral health or that of your family members. But how can you discover an oral healthcare professional that is a good fit for mutually you and your kids? We think that, after you learn more about Dr. Lena Casimir and our team, you’ll be willing to give us a try as your family’s dental practice.

What Adults Need

When you’re searching for Southloop dentist for yourself, you should think the current state of your oral health. If your teeth and gums are in reasonably good shape, you might just be looking for someone who has a character for being gentle, thorough, and kind. On the other hand, if you have special oral health concerns, or if you’re looking for positive services, it’s important to tunnel a little deeper into a dentist’s qualifications. A practice’s website usually has detailed information about the dentist’s education and the procedures they’re capable to perform.

What Children Need

Kids might be a little restless or nervous when they visit a dentist, so you should focus on finding someone who is tolerant and calm. This is especially key if your child has emotional or behavioral issues that make it complicated for them to sit still for extended periods of time. Our whole team loves to work with patients of all ages and backgrounds. If you would like to find out if our practice is a fit for your child, you can check out our online reviews to see what other parents have had to say about how we cooperate with young ones. You’re also welcome to stop by our office – “Classic Smiles LLC” to see if the environment is somewhere you think your child would be relaxed.

You shouldn’t have to run all over town for your family to get the high-quality oral healthcare it deserves. Search for a Smile dentist in Chicago who is able to provide gentle, friendly, and skilled care to both you and your children.

About the Doctor – Dr. Lena Casimir

Dr. Lena Casimir is an experienced and kind best dentist in South loop Chicago who enjoys working with patients of all ages. She offers a robust range of services, and our office Your Classic Smile” has early and evening appointments available to accommodate busy family schedules. To learn more about Dr. Casimir or to schedule your next appointment with us, contact us at 312-922-3411.

An Important Talk about Mouth Cancer | World Cancer Day Special

So today is the world cancer day. And I am here to speak something about the mouth cancer. This drive is all about how to reduce the impact of mouth cancer. Cancer is considered to be the second most important cause for death all over the globe.

Our charity, Classic Smiles LLC has been supporting World Cancer Day from last two consecutive years. We try to take different techniques to spread awareness about cancer in society.

This is no undisclosed that cancer has devastated millions of lives and is taking thousands of lives year. This is the most disturbing problem in the world. It causes physical and emotional pain to the patient and the family has to suffer from the emotional pains.

Mouth cancer is a crucial example of this. We also request you to share this as much as you can to save a life. By sharing this life-saving information about mouth cancer to someone, you are going to save a life. Let’s come together and lend a hand.

Prevent mouth cancer

  • Quit tobacco, cigarettes, excess alcohol at the earliest. They are the risk factors for the mouth cancer.
  • As per cosmetic dentist, Dr. Lena J. Casimir, owner of Classic Smiles LLC, more exposure to the sun can increase the chances of developing mouth cancer. I would suggest you make use of sunscreens whenever you step outside.
  • A good diet, rich in Vitamin A and C is advised by the doctors to be protected against the development of mouth cancer.

Catching mouth cancer

There are some common signs that you should keep a check while standing in front of washroom mirror while brushing or something else. These signs are:

  • Red and white patches inside your mouth
  • Swellings in the mouth area or neck area
  • Mouth ulcers which do not make well in two to three weeks

If you observe any of these signs, visit your dentist as soon as possible.

Classic Smiles LLC offers smart smile dental insurance in which you can get your smile insured by proper checkup of your teeth. For more information, visit their official website and contact us at 312-922-3411 for book an appointment.

Brushing Tongue Leads To Fresh Breath

You must know that cleaning your teeth is the key when it comes to keeping your treasures white and gleaming. But who cares about tongue cleaning? You should take out a few moments to clean your tongue every day in order to get a fresh breath.

A number of dentists don’t mention tongue cleaning as an essential part of oral care, but your tongue can wharf bad aromas which lead to bad breath. Cleaning your tongue every day can lead to a reduction of bad breath and also offers you self confidence. Chicago loop dentistry advises you to clean your tongue right after brushing your teeth.

The reason behind the cleaning of the tongue is that tongue’s surface attracts remains of what we eat. The bacteria on the tongue is designed to cut down all the food particles and germs. But this process can create bad aromas. By scraping these elements off your tongue, it will automatically reduce bad odors.

You can use a toothbrush to scratch all the particles to clean your tongue. You can also buy a tongue scratcher, it will give you better results. Use this tool to clear off all the debris from your tongue. Wash this tool and use again if necessary. Your tongue will be clean if it is pale pink in color.

You can also use mouthwash, it will also get rid of debris from the tongue. Don’t be too violent while cleaning your tongue. Since your tongue is quite sensitive, clean your tongue softly. In case your tongue seems to be damaged by aggressive cleaning, skip tongue brushing for a couple of days till the skin of tongue got healed.

If you have any questions or queries related to tongue cleaning, bad breath, sore tongue, best tools for cleaning, drop a line to South Loop Dentist in Chicago. She will definitely help you in the best way possible.

Improve Your Smile with Classic Cosmetic Dentist in Chicago

The dental professionals at Classic Smiles LLC are delighted to welcome you to our practice. From regular cleanings and fillings to bruxism devices, Classic Smiles LLC is prepared to switch all your dental needs.

Dr. Lena Casimir is the native of the Chicago and the top smile dentist in Chicago. To  improve your smile with classic cosmetic dentist in Chicago;  make an appointment and smile with confidence.

While customary dentistry focuses on oral cleanliness and preventing, diagnosing and treating oral disease, cosmetic dentistry focuses on civilizing the appearance of a person’s teeth, mouth and smile. In other words healing, general and/or family dental practices address dental problems that require necessary treatment, whereas cosmetic dentistry provides elective – or desired – treatments or services.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Inlays/Onlays: Also known as circumlocutory fillings, inlays and onlays made from porcelain or composite materials are a long-lasting yet cosmetic method to provide a “filling” to teeth with tooth decay or similar structural damage. Whereas dental fillings are molded into place inside the mouth during a dental visit, inlays and onlays are created in a dental laboratory before being fitted and adhesive bonded into position by your dentist.

Composite Bonding: Chipped, broken, discolored or decayed teeth may be repaired or have their appearance corrected using a course of action called composite bonding. A dental composite fabric with the look of enamel and dentin is applied into the cavity or onto the surface of a tooth, where it is then sculpted into shape, contoured and hardened with a high-intensity light. The result is a restoration that blends invisibly with the remainder of the neighboring tooth structure and the rest of your natural teeth to create a healthy, bright smile.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening are perhaps the most commonly recommended cosmetic dentistry procedure. Teeth are over and over again stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea or red wine) or poor oral hygiene. Bleaching the teeth can enhance the appearance of your classic smile.

Dental Veneers: Composite or porcelain laminates that are adhesive bonded to the surface of a tooth to correct and repair chips and cracks will improve a worn appearance or severe tooth discoloration. Veneers may also be not compulsory if you have gaps in your teeth or if you have not had success with teeth whitening. Evaluate porcelain veneers price tag and determine whether dental insurance may offset the cost.


Dental Implants: Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used as a part of prosthetic (artificial replacement) dentistry in order to recompense for tooth loss. Often the result is not only a better smile, but also a more youthful appearance, since missing teeth cause the face to collapse, making you look older.

Smile Makeover: Smile makeovers involve a comprehensive assessment of your smile esthetics in order to improve its overall manifestation. Typically one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental veneers, dental implants, gingival sculpting and teeth whitening, will be required for several teeth in together the upper and lower arches in order to accomplish the look you want.

Full mouth reconstruction: While consulting with you about a smile makeover to primarily improve the esthetic appearance of your smile, your dentist may discover that there is a need to provide necessary treatment to correct functional troubles with your bite, muscles, teeth and bone structure. If you need complete mouth reconstruction, the materials available today make it achievable for your dentist to make available you with durable, purposeful and clinically sound treatments that also look natural.

Smile Dental Chicago offers many options for people who are unhappy with their smile. If you are one of these people, we encourage you to come our Smile Dental – “Smarts Smiles Dental” and smile with confidence. We have various treatments available to beautify your smile.